Pickled beets and eggs

The Easiest Pickled Beets and Eggs

There’s something magical about vibrant magenta pickled beets and eggs starting back at you from deep in your refrigerator.

Now, I want to do things a little differently here on the blog. I rarely, if ever, actually read the preamble before the recipe. And to be honest, if you made it this far, I’m impressed. 

So here’s what I’m going to do for this best pickled beets and eggs recipe: I’m going to lay it all out at the start. That’s right, the recipe is up at the top.

Shocking, I know. 

If you’re interested in the blah-blah about my great aunt’s cousin who’s twice removed, that lived on a farm that I once took a summer vacation to, that miraculously changed my life…. Well, you can read that somewhere else.

Without further ado, the best pickled beets and eggs recipe you’ve been (briefly) waiting for.

The Best Pickled Beet Recipe with Eggs


  • Mason jars, quart sized. Probably two.
  • Pot for boiling liquid and eggs.
  • Knife.
  • Cutting board.
  • Measuring cups and spoons. 


  • 2 or 3 large beets, scrubbed clean
  • 1 cup raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup water
  • 3 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 3 tablespoons sugar (optional, but totally recommended)
  • 2 teaspoons whole black peppercorns
  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt
  • 1 small red onion, cut into thin wedges 
  • 6 hard-boiled large eggs, peeled
  • 6 dill sprigs
  • 1 star anise pod (optional, but again, totally recommended)
  • 1 jalapeno, sliced thinly, with or without the seeds (optional, but is extra delicious)


Boil water. Hard Boil the eggs. Cool them. Peel them. Set them aside. 

Fill a large saucepan with water, and bring to a boil. Trim and scrub the beets clean. Leave the skin on. 

When boiling, add beets. Cook until fork tender. Yes, just stab-able.

Let them cool completely. 

Once cooled, run them under some cool water while you work away at peeling the skin off. It should quite literally fall off with the wringing of your hands. No tools or kitchen gadgets required. 

Bring the liquids to a boil (water, ACV), add the sugar so it dissolves.

Now that the beets are peeled, quarter them (or smaller if need be to fit in the jars). Stuff the jars with the beets, eggs, and all the other fixings (garlic, onion, jalapeno, etc.) until it’s full to the neck of the jar.

Pour the boiled liquid into the filled jars until they’re just covered, with 1 inch of headspace. Put the lid on the jar (I’ve used the plastic mason jar lids from Masontops and the metal ring + lid combo, both work just fine). Leave them on the counter to cool, and place in the fridge for 24-48 hours to develop that delicious pickled beet flavor. 

These are NOT shelf stable and must be refrigerated. They should be consumed within a week. 

Pickled Beet Recipe, Ready to Enjoy!

If you loved this pickled beet recipe with eggs, be sure to let me know! Did you try something different? Drop in to the comments and say hello.

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