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Blogging With WordPress Isn’t For The Faint Of Heart…

Blogging with WordPress and Bluehost… I’m three days deep into starting my blog and I want to pull my hair out…

I’m only sort of kidding. But before you write off starting your own blog (or maybe misery loves company), hear me out.

Blogging with WordPress
Blogging with WordPress starts here for me.

Blogging is something that I truly love to do. Wait… let me explain. Writing, yes, writing is the thing that I truly love to do. I love to connect people with their hearts desires by way of a Google search. I’ve been fortunate enough to have written content for some pretty exciting and interesting companies and brands, and have learned a lot along the way.

But after a short attempt to align my career in writing with brands that I have more of a personal interest in *cough home, health, and faith cough*, I realized that I could get my kicks writing for myself. AND continue to earn a paycheck writing for other types of businesses (they tend to pay more).

DUH. Blogging with WordPress must be the answer.

Blogging with WordPress

That brings me to where I currently am. 3 days deep into attempting to understand the wild world of WordPress. It’s bonkers y’all.

There are about eleventy-billion different website builders I could have used, but the influencers got me. “You can’t be a professional blogger unless you’re blogging with WordPress”… alright, I hear you.

I have to say, it is quite possibly the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. And I have two children under 5 right now. And one on the way. I’ve moved countries. I worked at a prison for goodness sakes (more on that another day).

The dashboards, the suggested ways to build it, attempting to edit everything (still can’t figure that out), the graphics… CANVA. Holy smokes. The list of things you “need” to make a great blog site is a mile long. Don’t even get me started on SEO.

All that said, I wanted to put a quick list together for new bloggers like me to help get the wheels in motion.

  1. Check out this video. It’s a WordPress tutorial for 2021.

That’s it. Watch that video. I literally could have saved myself so much trouble if I had just watched this YouTube video at the start.

What was your biggest struggle when you started your blog? Let me know in the comments below!

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